The PowerShell scheduler is a 64bit application for windows server 2008 and above. You will also need to have .Net4 or greater installed on the server. (can be enabled in programs and features)
Windows Server part:
The SNMP feature must be be already installed and running on the server, so it is a good idea to already have the server added to mutiny and be monitoring snmp.
Download and install** the scheduler from here;
**Installation Tip.
If the scheduler fails to install first time round, trying running the installer from a CMD window that was opened with "run as administrator".
After installation you will see the new scheduler highlighted in the start menu.
Click on the shortcut to open the scheduler.
Click on new button to select your powershell script; for this example we will use the Exchange health monitor.
The agents we supply are all no capture, meaning the scripts does the test and produces the output file.
Select the frequency (normally one minute and save.
wait for the script to run then check in the agents results folder for the results text file.
default is: C:\Program Files\Mutiny\AgentResults
You should see a file called MutPsA_ExchangeMonitor.txt
Mutiny Node part:
1. Check these registry keys are present.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mutiny\SNMPAgent\CurrentVersion] "PathName"="C:\\Program Files\\Mutiny\\Bin\\MutinyAgent.dll"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mutiny\SNMPAgent\TestDir] "PathName"="C:\\Program Files\\Mutiny\\AgentResults\\"
if not, install the mutiny agent separately from here: then restart the SNMP service.
2. Check the mutiny snmp agent is seen on the node.
3. email