Preserving your configuration data is vital to all systems, and Mutiny is no exception.

Below is a table of options available to you to improve your protection.

*The time to recover depends on the snapshot size, ranging from minutes to hours.

** Some organisations do not allow the open SAMBA port.

OptionLevelcosttime to recoverData loss
Notesresilience to Hardware Failure
Snapshot on Appliancezerozerominutesall back to the last snapshot time. Total loss if appliance loses HDD
Total loss if the appliance failsNO
USB Key in applianceOnePoundsminutes to restore, not counting the time to repair/replace the applianceall back to the last snapshot time
Snapshots are automatically copied to the USB key. It can be used to rebuild appliances. Yes
Snapshot copied from SAMBA** shareOnezerominutes to restore, not counting the time to repair/replace the applianceall back to the last snapshot time
It can be used to rebuild an appliance. Require procedure to automate the copy.
Standby applianceTwoThousand(s) or less if VMMinutes*all back to last snapshot time
Backup is transferred to standby appliance and restored
Cold StandbyThreeThousand(s) or less if VM (licence upgrade required)Minutes*all back to last snapshot time
The backup snapshot is copied automatically to the Cold standby appliance. The user manually restores.Yes
Hot StandbyFourThousand(s) requires hardware and a licence
Minutes*Time taken to swap over (minutes)The system uses a floating virtual address for polling.Yes