To help users use our API, we have put together the following Python examples.
see also: API Programming Guide
Example 1:
import requests import time url = 'https://<...>' auth = ('<user@domain>', '<password>') newNodes = [ {'address': '', 'label': 'Node 1'}, {'address': '', 'label': 'Node 2'}, {'address': '', 'label': 'Node 3'} ] def run_task(type, data): task = { 'type': type } if data: task['data'] = data r = + '/api/tasks/', auth=auth, json=task) if (r.status_code != 201) : print('Could not start task: ' + r.text) exit(1) taskLocation = r.headers['Location'] # TODO: Implement timeout. while True : time.sleep(1) r = requests.get(url + taskLocation, auth=auth) taskOutput = r.json() if (taskOutput['finished']) : return taskOutput data = { 'discoveryType': 'fullSNMP', 'protoNodes': newNodes } print('Starting discovery for ' + str(len(newNodes)) + ' addresses.') taskOutput = run_task('discovery', data) print('Discovery completed: ' + taskOutput['stateLabel']) if 'addedNodes' in taskOutput: print('New Node IDs: ' + str(taskOutput['addedNodes'])) ### Alternative version that adds addresses sequentially ### # for newNode in newNodes: # data = { # 'discoveryType': 'fullSNMP', # 'addresses': [newNode['address']], # 'label': newNode['label'] # } # # print('\nStarting discovery for ' + newNode['address'] + ' / ' + newNode['label']) # taskOutput = run_task('discovery', data) # print('Discovery completed: ' + taskOutput['stateLabel']) # if 'addedNodes' in taskOutput: # print('New Node ID: ' + taskOutput['addedNodes'][0])
Example 2:
import requests url = 'https://<...>' auth = ('<user@domain>', '<password>') r = requests.get(url + '/api/nodes/', auth=auth, params={'outputFormat': 'extended', 'sort': 'status', 'sortDir': 'desc'} ) if (r.status_code == 200): nodes = r.json() for node in nodes: print(node['label'] + '\t\t' + node['status']['status'], end='') if 'maintenance' in node['status']: print(' - In Maintenance', end='') if 'acknowledged' in node['status']: print(' - Acknowledged', end='') print() else: print('Failed: ' + str(r.status_code))
Example 3:
This call will cause the children of a node to be moved to a new parent by using a traceroute.
import requests import time import argparse url = 'https://<...>' auth = ('<user@domain>', '<password>') def run_task(type, data): task = { 'type': type } if data: task['data'] = data r = + '/api/tasks/', auth=auth, json=task) if (r.status_code != 201) : print('Could not start task: ' + r.text) exit(1) taskLocation = r.headers['Location'] # TODO: Implement timeout. while True : time.sleep(1) r = requests.get(url + taskLocation, auth=auth) taskOutput = r.json() if (taskOutput['finished']) : return taskOutput parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('parent_id', help='ID of parent Node') args = parser.parse_args() config = vars(args) parentID = config['parent_id'] r = requests.get(url + '/api/nodes/' + parentID + '/children/', auth=auth) if (r.status_code != 200) : print('Could not read children: ' + r.text) exit(1) children = r.json() if (len(children) == 0) : print('Node has no children') exit(2) print('Starting TraceAndMoveTask for ' + str(len(children)) + ' children.') data = { 'nodes': children } taskOutput = run_task('traceAndMove', data) print('TraceAndMoveTask completed: ' + taskOutput['stateLabel'])